Lawyer in the Alpes-Maritimes


Doctor of Law | Lawyer in Antibes

avocat antibes grasse

Avocat, Docteur en Droit à Antibes

avocat antibes


Doctor of Law | Lawyer in Antibes

Family Law including Divorce
Heritage Law,

Civil law,
Social Law

avocat droit de la famille antibes grasse

Family Law Lawyer

Master Perucca is Family law lawyer in Antibes, registered with the Grasse bar for more than 20 years. This is his main specialty. He helps you in different areas including divorce, minors' law, adoptions, inheritances and related disputes, matrimonial changes and everything related to the family.

avocat droit de la famille divorce

Lawyer Divorce Antibes Grasse Valbonne

Lawyer at the bar of Grasse, in Divorce for more than 20 years, Master Perucca will help you in divorce as to the best way to end the marriage. For example, he intervenes Valbonne and Cannes. Do not hesitate to make an appointment with him for a consultation.

avocat droit civil antibes grasse

Civil Lawyer Antibes Grasse

Docteur en Droit, du droit, Maître Perucca vous aidera à la demande de rétablissement de vos droits en matière civile (empiètement, droit de propriété, usufruit,..) Victime d’accidents, que cela soit un accident du travail ou non, Me Perucca peut intervenir

avocat succession et patrimoine

Lawyer for Heritage Law

The Law of Patrimony is a specialty that is close to and linked to Family Law. In order to protect your family, and according to its evolution, you must pay attention to the best way to manage your patrimony. Acquisition in SCI, in undivided ownership, or request of licitation, Master Perucca will help you at all stages.

Lawyer Contract Law Antibes

Droit des Contrats, Maître Perucca vous aider à traiter vos contrats commerciaux (baux,…) pour garantir vos droits. Prenez contact avec lui. Il intevient ausssi auprès des entprerises en difficulté. 

Fighting a legal battle requires being close to the litigant who comes to you.

Family and Estate Law,

Civil contract law and  Social Law

Antibes, Tribunal de Grasse